Anchored in His Promises
Proverbs 3:5-6, Isaiah 41:10, Psalms 86:7, Matthew 11:28-30, II Chronincles 20:15-17, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Matthew 19:26
In the darkness of troubles, trials and challenges one must anchor their life, mind and heart in the Word of God for He alone can and will meet our neeeds and do the impossible. It is in the promises of God and in His presence that:
Courage is renewed
Strength is reitalized
Faith is rekindled
Trust is rebuilt in the Lord (and much more)
God does what only He can do with the individual that obeys, trusts and waits on Him. One of the major things we must remember is that God knows the best time. It is in the ways and timing of the Lord that the follower has the mind to make wrong decisions, for God is working, moving, changing, convicting and much more even if these things are not seen. For surety and safety the believer must be anchored in the Word and the promises of God, faithfully waiting while He does His supernatural work.
Prayer: Thank You Lord for working, moving and changing.
Project: List the promises of God you are trusting today.