Recognize and Avoid Distractions

Ephesians 5:15-16, Matthew 7:1-5, Luke 10:17-20, Psalms 139:23-24

As one drives along the highway it does not take much to become distracted, and disaster generally is the result.  Just as in driving one can be distracted, one of the tools of the enemy is to get believers distracted.  In the Bible, we are reminded as these Bible personalities were distracted and their distraction resulted in great problems: 

  • David

  • Aaron

  • Achan

  • Ananias and Sapphira

  • Demas 

And there are others who took their eyes off the Lord and became involved in a great disaster due to the distraction.  Sometimes the enemy uses personal desires, focusing on others, thinking like the world, wanting to be first, and pointing the finger of accusation, bitterness, pride, and unforgiveness to distract a believer from obeying the Bible. It is important that, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, that life is checked often. The believers must be alert and recognize distractions that can come into our lives unnoticed and unplanned.

Prayer: Lord, reveal to me any distractions that are in my life now and remind me of what I must do to obey.


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