It Is A Choice
James 1:19, 26, I Peter 4:9, Philippians 2:14-15, 4:4, Proverbs 12:16
Each day there are many opportunities for one to be thankful or to complain. During the course of the day, there are things that go right and things that seem to go wrong, thus leaving one the choice to complain or be thankful. So, each person makes the choice of being a complainer and grumbling about the difficulties of life, and in so doing they choose to focus on their problems. The other choice a believer has is to focus on the blessings that surround their life and develop a happy, blessed, joyful spirit. It has been said that “the person who focuses on their problems will find many to focus on” so they will grumble and complain most of the time. It is a sensible conclusion that the complaining, grumbling, unhappy person is not one that attracts people since their attitude is bad. Yes, everyone has problems and challenges but is how one chooses to respond to these situations that make a great difference. It is a choice.
Prayer: Lord, remind me today of Your many blessings and help me to choose thankfulness.
Project: List the blessings God brings to your mind now.