God Sees All That Is Said And Done
Proverbs 5:21, 15:3, Job 28:24, 34:21, II Chronicles 16:9, Romans 3:23, Hebrews 4:13, Proverbs 19:14
One of the games that young children like to play is hide-n-seek and often a child will cover their eyes and think then others cannot see what they cannot see. Of course, this is not true, for their ways are before the eyes of others. So it is with many people who think they can do and say things that God does not know about. However, we are reminded in scriptures that God “sees and knows” all things even the thoughts and intents of the heart. God is never to be tricked. There are no things said and done that He does not know. According to the Bible, in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, people will give an account of all the things done and said. This is a great reminder that one must be careful and obedient to how they live and speak for God sees and will bring all things into account in His time. Sadly, many think they can do as they choose, and God does not know because He does not respond immediately to their sinful actions.
Prayer: God, guide me in all I say and do and show me things that should be changed and adjusted in my life.
Project: List everything God brings to mind that should be changed and adjusted.