God is Working

Romans 8:28-35, II Corinthians 4:16-18, Proverbs 3:5-6, Hebrews 11:27, Isaiah 40:31

One of the challenges in the Christian life is trusting and waiting for God to do what only He can do. As humans, we have the tendency to want and look for things to be done quickly. The average person does not want to wait no matter who or what they are waiting on. However, not waiting and quickly making a choice or moving often creates more problems and does not solve the challenge. Believers must remember that God is moving, changing, empowering, and preparing His children for much more than they can anticipate. He knows the beginning and the end and what is best in every situation. We must always remember that our God is working and moving as ONLY He can do, and in His time answers will be evident and the believer will be victorious. It is a trap of the enemy that followers of Christ act quickly and cause confusion and problems

Prayer: God I do surrender to Your leading and ask for Your guidance in all of life's challenges.


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