Pay Close Attention

Proverbs 22:4-5, Deuteronomy 4:29, Psalms 62:1, Jeremiah 29:1, Matthew 22:37, 3 John 1:2

Much diligence and time are invested to care for things that one deems important such as flowers, the yard, the car, the house, and personal health.  Therefore, a great deal of one’s time is devoted to what seems necessary.  It is sad that many believers do not invest the time to care for their souls and more time is given to flowers, which soon fade away, and little time to reading, meditating and applying the Bible to the heart and life. The only way to have a healthy relationship and God-honoring life is to feed on the Word and put first things first in one’s life. The careful and daily reading of the Bible is imperative to keeping the soul.  The trap of busyness, which many have given in to, must be avoided so that the investment of time each day is given to the Bible and waiting on God; lest the soul becomes weary and the ways of God become distant so a person becomes weary, depressed, sinful and shuts out God.

Prayer: Lord, I need Your presence and power in my life today. Forgive and close me from the busyness that I would take time each day to hear from You and to know Your ways better.


Investing Time Wisely


Invest Time Waiting Daily